The Curator as Barman by Curatorial Studies Venice
The Curator as Barman by Curatorial Studies Venice
The Curator as Barman by Curatorial Studies Venice
The Curator as Barman by Curatorial Studies Venice
The Curator as Barman by Curatorial Studies Venice
The Curator as Barman by Curatorial Studies Venice
Touch of Evil
by Keren Cytter
1 part dry gin
1 part Campari
1 part sweet vermouth
A cube of dry ice
A straw
Pour the drinks into a punch. Pour them to long glasses. Throw one dry ice cube into each glass. Serve it
Caution concerning dry ice:
Don’t let the dry ice touch the skin. Use thick gloves, or better yet, use tongs. Tell the drinkers not to touch the dry ice. Buy the dry ice couple of hours before using it. It melts pretty quick.
Curated by The School for Curatorial Studies Venice and A plus A edited and conceived by Automatic Books and illustrated by photographer Antje Peters – The curator as barman is a publication that collects 28 artists’ drink recipes, produced on the occasion of the Rob Pruitt’s Flea Market in Venice. Twenty eight artists, chosen by twenty eight young curators from the School for Curatorial Studies Venice, give us instructions to prepare mixtures, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, that tell us something about them: from the simple glass of water of Rafael Rozendaal, to the Pokemon inspired drink of Michael Pybus. In The curator as barman the recipes are not confined to be reproducible only by the book’s owner, they are born on the principle that the curator becomes the performer of the artist’s idea. Our intent is to investigate and deepen our knowledge in this kind of relationship that is in constant change.
A project curated by:
School for Curatorial Studies Venice (Inessa Baldin, Leonardo Baracchi, Milena Becci, Giulia Belardi, Alice Bontempi, Elena Cardin, Eleonora Coccia, Melania Coretto, Luisa De Palo, Maddalena Di Caprio, Marta Fassina, Giulia Favaron, Valerio Fumarola, Ileana Mantovani, Elisa Marigo, Giovanna Maroccolo, Giada Marson, Ilaria Medda, Marco Miglioranza, Anna Miotto, Isabella Nuovo, Jonathan Paiano, Giacomo Pecchia, Antonella Potente, Sara Rizzardi, Enrica Sbrogiò, Valentina Tebala, Anna Volpe)
Anthony Antonellis, Elvire Bonduelle, Keren Cytter, Renee Cox, Luca De Leva, Anne de Vries, Thomas Dozol, Roberto Fassone, Jesse Greenberg, Joel Holmberg, David Horvitz, Ilja Karilampi, Daniel Keller, Martin Kohout, Jonas Lund, Mark Mulroney, Jaakko Pallasvuo, Yuri Pattison, Nicolas Pelzer, Brad Philips, Michael Pybus, Adriana Ramić, Antoine Renard, Rafael Rozendaal, Paul Sepuya, Matthew Speedy, Amalia Ulman, Ignacio Uriarte