Human Silk Kwai Fung Salone Hong Kong
15.9 — 15.11 23
Human Silk Kwai Fung Salone Hong Kong
15.9 — 15.11 23

Human Silk
Kwai Fung Salone

Human Silk @ Kwai Fung Salone

15. Sep – 15. Nov
Curated by Aurora Fonda and Sandro Pignotti

Barrack Block, Tai Kwun, Central, Hong Kong

Supportet by the Consulate General of Italy and Italian Cultural Institute in Hong Kong and opening event of ITALIA on STAGE autumn festival.

The figures within Paola Angelini paintings exist somewhere between the lively human flexibility and the static world of statues and stone. She calls the unique texture of her paintings—an inimitable surface, rough and smooth at the same time—“pictorial flesh”. This “flesh” is made of personal memories, visions and questions on contemporary society that intertwine, connect and twist with art history in a vision that could be defined as “scenic openness”.

Thomas Braida’s works could be characterized as still life or landscapes where an ironic, mystic or disruptive element interferes, in such a way that the meaning of the canvas and its traditional and symbolic charge can also change and be rethought. At first glance ironic and sometimes grotesque, his works conceal a delicacy that stems from the purity of childhood. Braida reveals a dimension of secret fantasies and mystical sublime in our ancient past as well as in our daily lives.

Nebojša Despotović has developed a very individual style where his figures, portraits, and subjects are outlined by a liquid, transparent brushstroke. While tracing the line of contour of his subjects, at the same time, it seems, he destroys them, dissolving them into the backgrounds of his compositions. When you are slipping into its composition, you cannot find a foothold to hold on to. And this technique matches with the artist innermost subject: The question of collective and individual memory and the issue of identity.