10.3—10.6 16
- L'astronauta caduto, Installation view
- Antonio Fiorentino, Dominium Melancholiae, 2015
- Antonio Fiorentino, Dominium Melancholiae (detail), 2015
- Fabio Roncato, L'arrivo del sonno, 2016
- Aldo Aliprandi, Monás, 2016
- L'astronauta caduto, Installation view
- Stephen Kaltenbach, Contagion open on mars, 1970
- Giorgio Andreotta Calò, Dal Tramonto all'Alba, 2006
- Thomas Braida, Porzus, 2012
- Thomas Braida, Science fiction is dancing in your hands, 2015
- Rä di Martino, Petite histoire des plateaux abbandonè 2012
- L'astronauta caduto, Installation view
- Francesco Arena, Piastra 14 metri e 57, bronze, 25 x 25 x 1 cm
- Alice Ronchi, Kilimanjaro, 2014
- L'astronauta caduto, Installation view
10.3—10.6 16
“The fallen astronaut” is the title of the exhibition curated by Valentina Lacinio which opens on March 10, 2016 at the A plus A Gallery.
Works by:
Aldo Aliprandi | Giorgio Andreotta Calò | Francesco Arena | Thomas Braida | Stephen Kaltenbach | Rä di Martino | Antonio Fiorentino | Margherita Raso | Fabio Roncato | Alice Ronchi.
Nobody is immune from the problem of preservation of memory and knowledge. This is a millennial obsession that has lasted through the centuries and has influenced even art and its representatives.
This is the reason why the story of “The fallen astronaut” is unique as unique is the peculiar will by which this little statue was dropped on the moon as long as it represents the first actual monument “erected” on the moon. This miniature was created by the Belgian artist Paul Van Hoeydonck, commissioned by the astronaut David Scott.
The small sculpture went into orbit in 1971 on the Apollo 15 mission and was left on the moon on August 2, 1971.
The exhibition “The fallen astronaut” aims to create a three-dimesional configuration through the works of the artists in order to challenge the crystallization of knowledge over time, and the anxious rush towards immortality.